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Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Lessons from Rs Mcnamara
Strolling Along a Familiar Path In Errol Morris’ narrative Fog of War: Eleven Lessons from the Life of Robert S. McNamara, we follow the life and times of previous United States Secretary of Defense, Robert McNamara. The sagacious piece follows his life from birth during World War I, his prosperity at school, tricky business profession at Ford Motor Company, to his association in World War II and his questionable political vocation during the Kennedy and Johnson presidential terms.Morris features the narrative around these eleven exercises that McNamara goes through during a meeting for the film. As I would like to think a portion of these ‘lessons’ are simply a few assessments of McNamara and some appear to be prodded along by Morris, who is posing the inquiries out of sight. I trust it is through a portion of these exercises that Morris utilizes McNamara’s achievement and disappointments to relate them to current issues, for example, the Iraq and Afghanis tan wars; and how we appear to step down a recognizable path.LESSON #5: PROPORTIONALITY SHOULD BE A GUIDELINE IN WAR? â€Å"In request to win a war should you slaughter 100,000 individuals in a single night, by firebombing or some other way . . . Proportionality ought to be a rule in war. Executing half to 90% of the individuals of 67 Japanese urban communities and afterward shelling them with two atomic bombs isn't corresponding, in the brains of certain individuals, to the targets we were attempting to accomplish. †Robert McNamara This remark by McNamara resounded all through the film. I realized that there was some besieging in Japan however not to this extent.Morris advances one of the most remarkable employments of symbolism to charm the crowd and bring these losses of life to an entire other level. McNamara angrily refers to a progression of Japanese urban areas that were incompletely or to a great extent demolished and coordinates them to American urban communities of equivalent size, and requests that we envision those U. S. networks correspondingly assaulted. It's a solid point, graphically upheld by Morris on screen by blazing names and measurements at quickening speed. â€Å"In that solitary night, we consumed to death 100,000 Japanese regular people in Tokyo: men, ladies, and kids. McNamara. Through this shock model, I trust Morris was suggesting the enormous sending of troops propelled to battle little powers in Afghanistan and Iraq. Having twenty-5,000 soldiers battling guerilla powers comprised of little gatherings of guerrilla groups can be scene in certain eyes as unnecessary and sick proportioned.LESSON #6: GET THE DATA and LESSON #7: BELIEF AND SEEING ARE BOTH OFTEN WRONG. â€Å"At one point, the authority of the boat stated, ‘We're not sure of the assault. At another point they stated, ‘Yes, we're totally positive. ‘ And then at long last late in the day, Admiral Sharp stated, ‘Yes, we're sure it occurred. ‘ So I detailed this to Johnson, and thus there were besieging assaults on focuses in North Vietnam. †McNamara The significant reality from McNamara is that the acceleration of the Vietnam War began dependent on a misguided from a solitary group thinking they had been torpedoed. This appeared to be a better than average reason to begin shelling runs, assemble troops and send them in to South East Asia.The matches between these chain of occasions prompting the Vietnam War and the activities taken by the US government in propelling efforts against Afghanistan and Iraq are fundamentally the same as. While the psychological militant assaults on 9/11 were a brutal impetus to the contention in Afghanistan, it was a detached assault by a bunch of fear based oppressor. The US turned 9/11 into an attack on Afghanistan holding groups of these psychological militants, in the end toppling the legislature in power. Another comparative exercise wherein McNamara states we ought to â⠂¬Å"Get the data,†can be firmly identified with the US government’s sorry excuse to attack Iraq.The hypothesis that Iraq was making or possessing weapons of mass obliteration (WMD) was to a great extent manufactured experience supported by theory and no quantifiable proof. Since 2003, the US has still not discovered WMDs and have immediately avoided this problem under the carpet while they change their war tune as an activity of opportunity against domineering Iraqi government. Exercise #8: BE PREPARED TO REEXAMINE YOUR REASONING. ?†Were the individuals who gave the endorsement to utilize Agent Orange: hoodlums? Were they carrying out a wrongdoing against humanity?Let's gander at the law. Presently what sort of law do we have that says these synthetic concoctions are adequate for use in war and these synthetic concoctions are most certainly not. We don't have away from of that sort. I never on the planet would have approved an unlawful activity. I'm not so much s ure I approved Agent Orange. I don't recall it however it positively happened, its utilization happened while I was Secretary. †Another one of McNamara’s solid remarks that identify with that there is an outcome to each move we make and that we should live with that consequence.His work was extreme, and he needed to settle on some basic choices for the product toll of millions in which he, â€Å"Never had knowing the past in settling on choices at that point. †This, I accept, was Morris’ huge punch in the mouth to the forces of the George W. Hedge organization and their activities encompassing the attack of Iraq. Presently, at the hour of arrival of this narrative the Iraq war was still in the baby phases of improvement Morris did not understand how the war would turn out however left us with a solid articulation that somebody would need to be responsible for beginning an uncalled for war.I was once told in a secondary school history class that, â€Å"H istory is composed by the victors. †McNamara summarizes this statement with a splendid think once again into a portion of his activities during World War II â€Å"[General Curtis] LeMay said in the event that we had lost the war, we would have been arraigned as war hoodlums. What's more, I believe he's privilege . . .. What makes it corrupt in the event that you lose and not indecent in the event that you win? †Morris insinuates through this exercise somebody should reply to these activities and wash the blood off their mind. Would we be able to gain from history? Is it accurate to say that we are destined to rehash the mix-ups that we've made previously, again and again?Or would we be able to gain from history and from the past? These are some genuine inquiries I trust Morris drives us to ask ourselves. I accept that Morris was attempting to raise likenesses of the past instead of really relating the Vietnam War explicitly to the Iraqi War, giving us that we are as y et stepping upon our past errors. In the event that we don’t gain from history and the occasions that pass we will be bound to rehash history, again and again. â€Å"Don’t commit a similar error twice†¦one slip-up can wreck a country. †Robert Strange McNamara
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Volunteer Tourism but you can choose any subject relative to tourism Essay
Volunteer Tourism yet you can pick any expose comparative with the travel industry - Essay Example A portion of the emotional variables are age, training, monetary status, sexual orientation, and so on and the target factors are social, social, financial, natural ones. In fact a volunteer tourist’s view of a goal should be impacted by both emotional and target factors. An inside and out information on the variables that impact the vacationer demography’s impression of goals can help both the business people and the academicians in this area. Justifications for the Research In flow the travel industry talks, ‘volunteerism’ or ‘volunteer tourism’ is an early thought that is identified with a wide scope of financial, social and natural concerns. During nowadays, the developing individual enthusiasm for the charming yields of elective the travel industry in light of the absences of mass the travel industry has drawn expanding scholarly just as business regard for volunteer the travel industry. On one hand, current the travel industry progressive ly moves its consideration from the regular mass the travel industry to the volunteer the travel industry using the consumers’ enthusiasm for one of a kind the travel industry encounters and then again, the boondocks of the travel industry are continually gone up against with the financial, social and natural concerns while propounding an all embracive definition, of volunteer the travel industry, that fundamentally will characterize its associations with those worries. Since the term â€Å"volunteer tourism†is a greater amount of the speculation of a travel industry idea that fills in as an option in contrast to the idea of a mass regular the travel industry, it seems, by all accounts, to be the reason for other specific the travel industry items, for example, ecotourism, social the travel industry, experience the travel industry, and so forth that incorporate volunteer segments and realness of encounters beyond what traditional mass the travel industry can offer. To be sure however the travel industry and its job as immediate the travel industry specialist organizations are very versatile with the idea of mass the travel industry, traveler industry and volunteer the travel industry are adroitly contrastive with one another, since volunteer vacationers need to â€Å"benefit from uprooted self-comprehension and the opportunity to go past the limits that wildernesses [of the travel industry industries] present†(Wearing, 2001:2). In this manner, though mass the travel industry permits the administrators of the travel industry enterprises to apply command over the tourists’ exercises to stick to the socio-social and natural assurance conventions, to a degree that is more noteworthy than the volunteer the travel industry items permit the administrators, since the opportunity energy expected by the volunteer visitors is in direct stand out from such control. It appears that the travel industry administrators are tossed in interminable battle to make them increasingly adaptable and versatile with these desires meet the tourists’ desires opportunity to go past the impediment of customary the travel industry, as Igor Ackerberg and Parkpoom Prapasawudi state, â€Å"Currently, the division is advancing toward higher commercialization with more benefit situated organizations offering volunteer the travel industry bundles, making the investigation of volunteer tourists’ observation
Wednesday, August 12, 2020
Tattooing and Piercing essay
Tattooing and Piercing essay Tattooing and Piercing Home›Consideration Posts›Tattooing and Piercing Consideration PostsThesis Statement; Since the world so far has experienced so much of the practices and it everywhere practiced,communities,doctors, literate members of the societies should join hands to teach and advice the young the generations on the effective and less dangerous body decoration methods.I. The discusion on tattoing, distinction between people who have tattoos and tattooed people, impacts of tattoos on gender and women interpretation on pain tattooing as per Bell.II. The difinition and discusion of paganism, breast implatation and the classification of authorities as discussed by Woodard.‘Tattoo and Piercing Introduction’General Statement;There is an increased cases of body tattooing and pierching in the world today which is raising an alarm on the future of the next generation.More specific context;Its of great concern simply because our young people especially women are losing their motherhood in the name of modern body decorations.Thesis statement;Since the world so far has experienced so much of the practices and it everywhere practiced,communities,doctors, literate members of the societies should join hands to teach and advice the young the generations on the effective and less dangerous body decoration methods.Supporting ideas;Ensure that dangerous types of tattooes and piercing styles are identified for the people to avoid and also there should be alternative types which are safe for them to practice.I.People who have tattoes often have one or more tattoes. They usually have personal images in places which are easily hidden from view. Thus they usually avoid the label of “tattoed person†due to peer or family presure and the negative societal assumptions about tattoes. Tattoed people on the other hand are those individuals who have very bright or bold tattooes in obvious places which can be seen easily by people. They socialise with ta ttooist and other tattoooed people within their subculture avoiding the stares and other numerous looks from the outsiders. Tattoes makes an individual to be unique and to look totally different from the rest of the people in the society. Those individuals who tattooe themselves do it to honour their family members and lovers by name or to display their religious beliefs.The difference between the two groups of people is that it shows how individuals regard tattooes in the community i.e there are those who adore it by walking comfortably before people and with people who are tattooed.Others also feel that being tattooed is a taboo and therefore hide from people.Tattooing has an impact on gender in that for a long period it has been associated with men because of the pain that one undergoes which is said to be sustained by men only.It therefore has an impact on gender in that for those men who tattooe their bodies acts as resistance to the common ideals of women beauty. When it come to women tattoo, their bodies tend be tattoed towards flowers and softer images whereby they normally place them in places such as on the lower back ankle or on their shoulders. But men tattoo themselves in places such as the upper arm. They also choose decorative but strong imagery such as the dragons.These two statements are incompatible in that women tattooes show a act tolerance of pain because of the kind of pain an individual usually undergoes but for men its an act courage and strenght. Originally tattoing was meant for men and that is why women chooses softer images such as flowers.Women also tattoo themselves so as to fit in aparticular religion.II.Paganism is difined as the act of doing things contrary to the normal ways of life. It’s the abnormal part of lifestyle of a person. For instance he describes the act in which the body of a human being is separated from the entire human godliness as the culture of pagans. And as aresult this esep arate body is most likely going to take far extreme and violent attitudes towards the denomination of the body as something that needs artistic modification. Thi is what he termed as paganism. There are several extends in which the contemporally society has towards paganism and this includes the acts of artistic modification of the body. These modifications are for example the enhancement of the breasts in women which makes them less mothernal and less objects of seual touch; the piercing of the ears; collagen-enhanced the lips are some of te examples of cosmwtic mutilations. Branding some marks or features in the body which they say are marks of strenght and are sorts of tattoos are also the aspects which the writer depicts as of pagans in the modern world.Woodhard relates the implantation of the breasts negatively with other body fashions. He thus gives disadvantages of this pagan act as being the fact the implanted breasts ceases to be the maternal objects, they become less a nd less objects of sexual touch. This disadvantages taints those women who practices this act and men can view the as being no mothers or wives any more. Thus breast implantation unlike other forms of body fashions such as ear-piecing and collagen-enhanced lips is more healthwise dangerous the women body which otherwise he then describes as paganised when its artistically modified.Woodhard cited other authorities that provided other examples of social phenomenon as comestics mutilation. Here he differentiated between the types of cosmetic mutillation as traditional and modern mutiolation of the body parts. He further said that the traditional mutilation is all the world over as it was and is still practiced by the varoius world tribes.and it’s the community which confers an individual the status of a particular of mutilation but not an individual like the case of the modern mutillation. He arguered that like tattoo and piercing, mutilation can also indicate a group member or allia nce.The other type of body modification the writer talks about are the body artist who practices skin braiding in Los Angels and New York. They cut three long strips from the fresh leaving it attached to the body only at the top which are later braided and reattached at the bottom. They remain as permanent skin braid.But of all the above types, cosmetic mutilation especially the traditional one offers the greatest insight about the behaviour of human beings. This is simply because it exposes almost all tribes’ practices which its people practices to testify certain status. Thus it has a purpose on the human body which is most likely able to descibe the behavior of the person with it.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
The Traumatic Stress Disorder ( Ptsd ) Essay - 1310 Words
Introduction As humans, our bodies are only designed to take so much before we reach a point where we become damaged. Psychologically, if we experience more then we can handle the results of it are what’s called Post- Traumatic Stress Disorder. Post- Traumatic Stress Disorder, or PTSD, effects a part of the brain that controls stress and nerves, which consists of the Prefrontal Cortex, the Hippocampus, and the Amygdala. Enduring traumatic stress can result in lasting changes to these parts of the brain. Damaging these parts of the brain not only effect the body physically, but can also damage an individual emotionally which effects their personal and social life. The cause for PTSD is witnessing or experiencing a traumatic event. Because everyone sees events differently, specific events cause different levels of trauma. The first case known of an individual suffering from this disorder was after experiencing and living through a Saber Tooth Tiger attack. Not all cases are brou ght on by something as bazar as this. Most individuals suffering for Post- Traumatic Stress Disorder are victims of abuse and discharged war veterans. The things these two classes of people have seen and lived through are beyond imaginable, and are the biggest causes of trauma known. After many more cases started to appear of individuals suffering from past trauma, this disorder was introduced to the American Psychiatric Association during the 1980’s. The American Psychiatric Association containsShow MoreRelatedTraumatic Stress Disorder ( Ptsd )1331 Words  | 6 PagesPTSD Develops from Suicide Attempts Attempted suicide is a highly emotional event. A large portion of the population has to live with the after-effects of their decision on attempting suicide. Even though the general public doesn t realize, failed suicide attempts can often be as traumatic as violent personal attacks that lead to Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. According to the Mayo Clinic, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is considered a triggered mental health condition caused by either experiencingRead MorePtsd Or Traumatic Stress Disorder1556 Words  | 7 Pages PTSD or (post traumatic stress disorder) is a relatively new diagnosis but the concept of it has somewhat been of a long history. It was often linked to people who have been exposed to combat or have involved in maternal disasters, mass catastrophes, and or serious accidents, Although little has been learned about the disorder in 1952 the first diagnosis appeared in the official nomenclature when diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders. But later changed In the midst of theRead MoreThe Traumatic Stress Disorder ( Ptsd )2891 Words  | 12 Pages Post- Traumatic Stress Disorder Introductory Psychology Psych 1101 - Spring Semester 2015 B. Moser March 30, 2015 Karen C. Lewis Abstract Imagine your worst nightmare. Now imagine your worst nightmare relived over and over again, but never being able to get away from the intruding thoughts about it or flashbacks from it. For someone with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, this is the everyday hell that they encounter. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder or PTSD, is a silent attacker that atRead MorePtsd Or Traumatic Stress Disorder Essay1494 Words  | 6 Pages PTSD or (post traumatic stress disorder) is a relatively new diagnosis but the concept of it has somewhat been of a long history. It was often linked to people who have been exposed to combat or have involved in maternal disasters, mass catastrophes, and or serious accidents, Although little has been learned about the disorder in 1952 the first diagnosis appeared in the official nomenclature when diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders. But later changed In the midst of theRead MoreThe Traumatic Stress Disorder ( Ptsd )2330 Words  | 10 Pages There is often an expectation that someone who has survived a traumatic event would be happy for being alive. But there are those who have gone through a traumatic event and have developed a condition known as survivor’s guilt and/or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and are actually unhappy or depressed that they survived. This condition not only affects the survivors, but those around them as well. Some military veterans can struggle with returning to civilian life after leaving the militaryRead MorePost Traumatic Stress Disorder ( Ptsd )990 Words  | 4 PagesPost-Traumatic Stress Disorder Post-traumatic stress disorder is a common anxiety disorder characterized by chronic physical arousal, recurrent unwanted thoughts and images of the traumatic event, and avoidance of things that can call the traumatic event into mind (Schacter, Gilbert, Wegner, Nock, 2014). About 7 percent of Americans suffer from PTSD. Family members of victims can also develop PTSD and it can occur in people of any age. The diagnosis for PTSD requires one or more symptoms to beRead MorePost Traumatic Stress Disorder ( Ptsd )812 Words  | 4 PagesPost-Traumatic Stress Disorder, (PTSD), described by DSM-5 is in which he or she has been exposed to a traumatic event either experiencing or witnessing the event. PTSD classified in DSM is related to the family of anxiety disorders but also involves dissociative symptomology (Dombeck). DSM first identified Post Traumatic Stress Disorder as a psychiatric disorder in 1980. The 1980’s had many mental health professionals having trouble diagnosing veterans coming back from the Vietnam War. ScientistsRead MorePost Traumatic Stress Disorder ( Ptsd )1471 Words  | 6 PagesRunning head: POST-TRAUMATIC STRESS DISORDER 1 Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Student’s Name Course Title School Name April 12, 2017 Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Post-traumatic stress disorder is a mental disorder that many people are facing every day, and it appears to become more prevalent. This disorder is mainly caused by going through or experiencing a traumatic event, and its risk of may be increased by issuesRead MorePost Traumatic Stress Disorder ( Ptsd )1246 Words  | 5 Pagespost-traumatic stress disorder? When most people think of the term post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) they think of war and returning soldiers. Even though this is true, post-traumatic stress disorder does not only develop in soldier’s returning from war. When you look at the definition of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), you will see that it is a mental health condition that is triggered by either experiencing or witnessing a terrifying event. This means that post-traumatic stress disorderRead MorePost Traumatic Stress Disorder ( Ptsd )1271 Words  | 6 PagesPost-Traumatic Stress Disorder commonly known as PTSD is a mental illness that f orms when one has experienced a traumatic event or an overwhelming event in one’s life. PTSD can have a severe impact on the nervous system. The nervous system can become stuck in the stressful situation and it will be unable to return to its normal state. PTSD has many symptoms such as avoidance, isolation and flashbacks. There are a few treatments for PTSD available and these include medications and therapy. Even
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Metaphor Analysis - 1003 Words
Metaphor Analysis The Sea and Dry Land In his Preface to the play, Bolt informs the reader his main metaphors are the sea and dry land, to suggest the supernatural order vs. the human order. The sea is formless, vast, and unpredictable. The land is security, home, order, what is known. Thomas More paradoxically clings to the safety of law and land but finds himself swept by his religious faith out to sea. Bolt did not want a purely naturalistic play, he says, and the metaphors are a way to add scope and philosophic depth, as in a poem. Thomas More is a home-loving man with his house and family in Chelsea and their well-ordered ways. In addition, he is a lawyer who believes in the law as the safeguard of the citizens: â€Å"The law is a†¦show more content†¦43). Politicians are compared to boats on the ocean. Cromwell says of More, â€Å"There’s a man who raises the gale and won’t come out of the harbor†(Act Two, p. 119). He has raised a storm of controversy but tries to remain safe. More predicts that when Wolsey falls, â€Å"the splash would swamp a few small boats like ours†(Act One, p. 35). When King Henry visits More at Chelsea he pilots a new warship down the Thames, The Great Harry, literally exemplifying a threatening ship of state bearing down on the little domestic garden. Metaphors of the Self Related to the water imagery for the supernatural order are images for the conscience or self, a person’s integrity. â€Å"As a water spaniel is to water, so is a man to his own self†(Act Two, p. 123). A water spaniel is attracted to the water; it is his element, just as a man’s self or soul is the element he must swim in. More explains to his daughter that when a man takes an oath, â€Å"he’s holding his own self in his own hands. Like water†(Act Two, p. 140). If he opens his fingers then, breaking the oath, he has lost his self. When Norfolk appeals to their friendship to get More to change his mind, More says, â€Å"only God is love right through, Howard, and that’s my self†(Act Two, p.122). More identifies his essential nature with the mysterious ways of the sea, the supernatural forces, though he tries to cling to the land as long as he can. Animal MetaphorsShow MoreRelatedAnalysis of the Metaphor in the â€Å"Fisherman†Poem by Kurt Brown844 Words  | 4 Pages13 November, 2011 Analysis of the Metaphor in the â€Å"Fisherman†poem by Kurt Brown Life is a fishing ocean. This reveals the activities of man on a daily basis, where man has to go in search of his daily bread and the obstacles that he encounters. Brown’s poem, â€Å"Fisherman,†illustrates the sad condition of man and life’s struggles through the metaphor of a fisherman. Reading the poem makes me observe how life is in this period of recession, where man’s ego is far seen but his contentment is appreciatedRead MoreAn Analysis Of Budge Wilson s The Metaphor 1211 Words  | 5 PagesBudge Wilson’s, The Metaphor, is a bildungsroman that blueprints Charlotte’s transition from a young, moldable girl into an independent woman through juxtaposition, allegory, and symbolism. Charlotte is an awkward seventh grader, who transforms into a well-round tenth grader before the eyes of the reader due to the influence of her teacher, Miss. Hancock. Her mother, calculated and emotionless, is the foil to Miss. Hancock’s wild, u norganized spirit. Charlotte finds herself drawn to Miss. HancockRead MoreThe Analysis : The Birdcage Metaphor980 Words  | 4 PagesThe birdcage metaphor explains how â€Å"the large number of wires arranged in a specific way, and connect to one another, serve to enclose the bird and to ensure that it cannot escape.†This is commonly used to describe systemic racism that plagues today’s institution, whether on purpose or subconsciously. With this metaphor, each wire of the cage represents a system in society that traps minorities in a lower position compared to the dominant group. For Both Hands Tied, Unequal Times, and The New JimRead MoreAn Analysis of Use of Metaphors in Research1376 Words  | 6 PagesTea Party: a new metaphor for project managers An analysis of use of metaphors in research Submitted by: Ram Kumar Dhurkari (FPM/02/04/IT) Ankita Tandon (FPM/02/01/O) The use of metaphor in organizational research is to highlight features of a process by way of comparing and contrasting. The metaphor provides a method to analyze parallels between the metaphor and the organizationRead MoreCritical Metaphor Analysis Approach7941 Words  | 32 Pages| | | | I. INTRODUCTION II. OBJECTIVES III. MAIN CHARACTERISTICS OF METAPHOR IV. METAPHOR AND OTHER LANGUAGE FEATURES ANALYSIS OF MARGARET THATCHER’S SPEECH TO 1987 CONSERVATIVE PARTY CONFERENCE IN BLACKPOOL V. CONCLUSION VI. REFERENCES VII. APPENDIX I I. ------------------------------------------------- Read MoreTo Kill A Mockingbird Metaphor Analysis775 Words  | 4 PagesThe Mockingbird Metaphor Think of the saying, â€Å"you are the apple of my eye†. Most of today’s society understands that somebody is referring to someone that they cherish above all else. This phrase is a common metaphor that is used all around the world. Many times authors use a metaphor to convey a message without telling it right out to the reader. This technique is used by Harper Lee in her novel To Kill a Mockingbird. The title of the novel refers to persecution of the innocent which is highlightedRead MoreAnalysis of Metaphors and Symbols in Fahrenheit 4512249 Words  | 9 PagesFarris 3 Lauren Farris Mrs. Reid AP English 4 21 March 2006 Analysis of Metaphors and Symbols in Fahrenheit 451 Fahrenheit 451, by Ray Bradbury takes the reader to a time where firemen do not put out fires; they start them in order to burn books, because books and intelligent thinking is outlawed. By using a combination of metaphors and symbols in this novel, Bradbury deepens the intricacy of his central them that censorship and too much government control is dangerous, and men should beRead MoreRhetorical Analysis Of `` Catch `` By Chris Leggett Essay1200 Words  | 5 Pagesdepends on what the writer is trying to accomplish. What is most important is understanding what one is writing about and effectively delivering it. In the sample essay, Tossing Metaphors Together in Robert Francis s Catch by Chris Leggett, Leggett writes an analysis paper in which he analyzes the extended metaphor of the poem. While in the sample essay, How William Faulkner s Narrator Cultivates a Rose for Emily by Tony Groulx, Groulx writes a research paper where he researches variousRead MorePoetry Analysis of Int roduction to Poetry837 Words  | 4 PagesPoetry analysis of ‘Introduction to Poetry’ The Poem â€Å"Introduction to Poetry†is by Billy Collins, an English poet, and it is about how teachers often force students to over-analyze poetry and to try decipher every possible meaning portrayed throughout the poem rather than allowing the students to form their own interpretation of the poem based on their own experiences. Throughout the poem, a number of literary devices are used. For example: â€Å"or press an ear against its hive†. Using this metaphorRead MoreMedia Project1616 Words  | 7 PagesIreland. Politics and the English Language 1. When Orwell refers to dead metaphors, he means metaphors that have lost their authenticity and meaning, and has â€Å"†¦reverted to being an ordinary word and can generally be used without loss of vividness†, using iron resolution and fishing in troubled waters as examples. Original metaphors, ones that â€Å"evoke a visual image†, that he used to combat dying metaphors are â€Å"†¦more and more phrases being tacked together like the sections of a prefabricated
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Carnival Cruise Lines Free Essays
Carnival Cruise Lines is a British-American owned cruise line based in the Doral suburb of Miami, Florida (Carnival Cruise Lines, n. d. ). We will write a custom essay sample on Carnival Cruise Lines or any similar topic only for you Order Now The company offers vacations that appeal to a wide range of lifestyles and budgets. Carnival was founded in 1972 as an independent company by Ted Arison. The cruise line company became known as the world’s most popular cruise line and in 1987 it made an initial public offering of 20 percent of its common stock. The public offering provided the company with an influx of capital that allowed the company to begin expanding through acquisitions. The company formed Carnival Corporation plc in 1994 and Carnival Cruise Lines became its flagship brand (Mission History, 2010). Carnival Corporation has acquired representation in virtually every market segment of the cruise industry. In April 2003, agreements were finalized to combine Carnival Corporation with PO Princess Cruises plc, creating the world’s first global cruise operator. Carnival Corporation plc encompass 12 highly recognizable brands and the company became one of the largest and most profitable leisure travel companies in the world. The company is now one of the 11 individual worldwide cruise ship brands owned and operated by Carnival Corporation plc. The corporation operates 97 ships and Carnival Cruise Lines is its largest and leading brand in North America, based on passengers carried under the Carnival Corporation. Carnival is also the corporation’s most profitable cruise line in the world. The cruise line has 22 ships in operation and two future ships in development. Carnival has 3,800 shore side and 33,500 shipboard employees. *Carnival pioneered the concept of shorter, less expensive cruises. Howard Frank, the chief operating officer of Carnival Cruise Lines, says their ships are called the fun ships because unlike its competitors, Royal Caribbean International and Norwegian Cruise Line, Carnival offers a wide range of activities on board instead of just delicious cuisine (Beesley, 2010). Frank said their innovative new ships feature popular amenities that meet the increasingly sophisticated desires of all guests yet provide a fun and exciting environment for all ages. Carnival hit record-breaking business so far this year. The bookings for the company were the highest they have ever been because of its new booking system. The earlier in advance a passenger’s cruise is booked the more economical the price. A cruise can cost as low as $175-$200 per person in advance. The cruise line also offers last minute bookings at discount prices. Carnival can be cheaper than airfare without the fear of terrorist attacks, excessive baggage fees, delays and extreme boarding procedures or hassles. In 2009, the corporation revenued $13. 2 billion with a net income of $1. billion, and are projected to make their highest profit ever this year. The company carries a record of 3. 9 million passengers and the up-to-date record is the most in the cruise industry. *Executive control of Carnival Cruise Lines is provided by the North American division of Carnival Corporation in Doral, Florida. Carnival Corporation and Carnival plc, the cruise line, function as a single economic entity. They also function through contractu al agreements between separate legal entities (Investor Relations, 2010). Carnival Corporation common stock is traded on the New York Stock Exchange. Carnival plc is traded on the London Stock Exchange and has an ADS on the New York Stock Exchange. Carnival is the only company in the world to be included in both the STP 500 index in the US and the FTSE 100 index in the UK. Carnival Cruise Lines has a hybrid structure divided under Carnival North America, Carnival Australia and Carnival UK. The hybrid structure is under Carnival Cruise Lines which is only one of the brands under Carnival Corporation plc. The corporation doesn’t have a long hierarchy of authority instead it has a few layers of corporate officers and board of directors (Officers, 2010). There are six corporate officers that consist of executive, operating and financial officers, as well as vice presidents of shared services for the multiple brands, general counsel and controller for the corporation. The cruise line only has one executive officer. Gerald R. Cahill is Carnival Cruise Lines’ only president and chief executive officer except for the executives over the Australia and UK divisions. Majority of the company’s employees are shipboard. There is a one-to-three ratio of staff to passenger on every carnival ship, ensuring excellent customer service. Carnival has a horizontal communication amongst the six corporate officers and board of directors. Corporate governance extends from the ship, through the operating lines and senior corporate management to the board of directors. *Carnival is a profitable company and is now the leader in the contemporary cruise sector. The line has launched a $250 million enhancement program on its eight fantasy-class ships. The enhancement will include installation of a water park on board, an adult-only retreat, tropical-themed mid-ship pool area, and other innovative features. Carnival’s former image was a party ship reputation for younger travelers. The cruise line is now known as large, modern and extremely elegant, yet still a profitable and fun line. Historically, Carnival Corporation’s growth has been driven by the expansion of their portfolio of core brands through an aggressive ship building program. Now the brand, Carnival Cruise Lines, competes globally because they invest time, money and effort into product development and wide varieties of amenities on board. The company enhances the excursions offered in port destinations, as well as programs, activities and attractions on the ship. Carnival children programs provide the same level of variety, fun and attraction for their age, as the amenities available to adults. No matter the age, lifestyle or budget the goal is consistent. The cruise line’s goal is to provide everyone with a safe and healthy place to live, work and have fun. Carnival strives to provide an innovative and exceptional vacation experience on land and or at sea (Phillips, 2009). *Last week I sailed on a Carnival Cruise Lines ship to Nassau, Bahamas for a four days and three nights weekend cruise. The Cruise was inexpensive to book for a typical vacation. We were a party of four people and we each only paid around $200 a person in advance. If we would have booked the vacation at the last minute it could have cost each person $300-$400, which is still inexpensive for an all-inclusive cruise. At first you don’t understand how the cruise line makes a profit because almost everything is free except alcohol, soda and excursions. Unlimited food all day and night, shows, the gym, and activities are free. It didn’t take long to realize the company’s strategy on making money. Once Carnival booked the customer at a low price, they up sell the customer with backend products and services that passengers feel are definitely worth spending money on during a vacation. There were additional products and services like an onboard casino, excursions, internet services, and photographers everywhere ready to take memorable pictures to sell. As well as, massages facials, hair treatment, wholesale liquor prices and onboard shops and stores. Carnival provided relaxing services and duty or tax free products. The cruise made lots of money and the marketing cost went down because their exceptional services built loyal customers. The company probably spends more money capturing a customer, maybe even lost money initially on the booking transaction because of the specials and low rates but created lifetime customers in the end. The more products and services a company can offer or sell to a customer, the more valuable they become and the more you can spend on acquiring a customer. Wants you acquire a customer and satisfy their needs, you can gain more from a buying impulse that is pleased and devoted to the company and its brands. How to cite Carnival Cruise Lines, Papers
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Mental Health and Communication Terminology
Question: Discuss about the Mental Health and Communication Terminology. Answer: Introduction Acute stress disorder is a response that build up after a short or long exposure to traumatic event. An individual who is experiencing acute stress disorder shows symptoms that can exists for days or months. The symptoms include dissociative, negative mood and avoidance. Empathy has been identified as very important communication qualities and for an individual nurse to provide high quality nursing care service empathy is a requirement. Different research findings have established that empathy is catalyst that help nursing students attain a higher quality of patient-centered education and in practice. Post-traumatic stress disorder happens after experiencing or witnessing a traumatic action military combat, certain death of a close friend among others. Informed consent in the context of research and nursing practice refers to a document that prove willingness of an individual to take part in a research. It is a requirement that the participants should be given adequate information about the treatment or research, the language used in the consent form should be simple and clear to enable participants to make decision willingly about their participation in the study. Acute stress disorder According to World Health Organization. (2013), acute stress disorder(ASD) is a response that a healthy individual develops whenever an exceptionally traumatic event occurs. Patients with acute stress disorder visits health facilities when they are at different phases of acute stress disorder: According to Figley (2013), the first phase is dissociation and it is characterized by lack of emotion responsiveness and dissociation amnesia. The last phase involves the flashbacks of the traumatic events. During the last phase, researcher findings have established that the avoidance of the stimuli acts as a trigger to the remembrance of the traumatic event and it presents with noticeable symptoms such as insomnia, lack of concentration, irritability and anxiety among others (American Psychiatric Association [APA], 2013). According to Perry et al. (2015), 14% of the nurses experiences mental issues ,13% of the nurses were diagnosed with anxiety, 6% were under psychoactive medication and with 65.1% having experienced symptoms associated with acute stress disorder in the last the last 12 months. The findings of the study underline the importance of the need to train and equip nurses who work in a psychiatric wards and mental facilities in general, so that they are able to discharge nursing services in such environment without being traumatized by the situations that occur within their working environment. One of the challenges experienced in the training of nurses is the lack of clinical practicums for psychiatric-mental health nursing involving patients with acute stress disorder. A study conducted by Langham et al. (2016) on training of nursing students using simulation on acute stress disorder revealed a change of negative attitude of students towards mental health patients and highlighted the benefit of improved healthcare services provision by newly graduated nursing students to people with acute stress disorder. Its important for nurses to understand how to manage a nd treat acute stress disorder using different approaches for example use of an approach that encourage physically facing fear, cognitive exposure, lowering of stressors. Empathy Empathy defines our ability to understand the needs of the patient and it forms the basic unit for ethical conduct towards others, it is not possible to exercise sympathy and kindness as a virtue in the absence of empathy (Gault et al., 2016). Empathy and sympathy have sometimes been used interchangeably. However, a clear difference between the two do exist, empathy is intellectual and emotional awareness and fully understanding another persons thought, feelings and behavior while sympathy is the sharing of an individuals feelings and experiences (Bousso et al., 2014). Empathy and compassion are grouped together as a fundamental concept that constitutes person-centered care in nursing. The basic principle of understanding an individuals needs and effort to relieve the suffering summarizes empathy as an attribute of compassion as a concept in the nursing care (RCN, 2014).For example , a cohort study conducted with nurses have established the relationship between empathy and reduced st ress consequences among the nurses working in environment with disturbing experiences such as ICU wards , the study focused on the use of Trait Meta-Mood scale to measure the role of perceived emotional intelligence(PEI) with major focus on quality of nursing services offered by the nurses working in mental health facilities (Langham, Jones, Terry, 2016 ). The study concluded that empathy as an attribute of compassion in nursing is the best indicators of social and emotional support for the mental health patients (Montes Augusto, 2007). According to Webb et al. (2016) there exists a relationship between empathy and reduction in stigma . Adult attachment style was found to influence empathy, the stigma was focused on psychosocial and health concern. With regards to nursing care the empathy is an attribute that are related to compassion as a nursing concept. in conclusion nurses who have empathy are better equipped to handle difficult situations (Adamson Dewar, 2011). Post-traumatic stress disorder Persons experiencing post traumatic disorder (PTSD) has certain clinical manifestation resulting from exposure to extreme traumatic action. The clinical symptoms associated with PTSD include mood swing, feeling of need to be alone, cognition, and changes in excitements. Traumatic events have been defined by Psychiatrists as an event that can provoke sense of fear in an individual or shock due to risk of injury or death according to (Yehuda, 2002; APA, 2013). PTSD was first documented in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual Disorder,3rd ed. (DMS III) in the year 1980. For example, in a resent cohort study done by Mealer et al. (2007), nurses working in the ICU wards were found to have higher prevalence of PTSD clinical manifestation when compared to the nurses working in general ward. The results from the study findings helps to highlight the importance of creating awareness of the PTSD symptoms and the need to develop interventions to improve the mental health status of the nurses a nd boost ICU nurses career fulfilment. In another cohort study done by Mealer (2007), revealed that 24% of the nurses working in the ICU were positively diagnosed with symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder and the result was linked to their working environment this was much lower than the 14% recorded among the general nurses, of interest is the fact that the same ICU nurses did not register high amount of stress in life outside their working environment when compared to the general nurses, the study findings would help to address the issues nurses undergo as they render services. Studies have established that experiencing and learning PTSD can challenge an individuals sense of safety resulting to feeling vulnerability among the nurses and the mental health patients. Informed consent Informed consent in the context of research or nursing practice is document that prove willingness of an individual to take part in a research. It is a requirement that the participants should be given adequate information about the treatment or research, the language used in the consent form should be simple and clear to enable participants to make decision willingly about their participation in the study. For example, nurses who would want to engage in clinical studies they should be able to understand the importance of the principle of the consent of archiving data which is another fundamental issue with regards to research ethics. For example, most of the researchers make their data set available to the entire research community by archiving them in the database, and without proper consent from the study participants, this can be matter of a great concern. The participants should be empowered to enable them to make decision on the data storage after the research is done. There are issues to consider including: how long should the participants information be kept before a fresh consent is sought from them to enable further storage? should the details identifying researcher be removed from the recording? Under the guidelines of the researcher are under the obligation to prevent the re-use of identifiable data collected during one particular research and such data cant be used for admi nistrative or commercial purposes according to Miller et al. (2012). There are regulations that governs the recruitment of children as participants in research. Several countries have ratified UN convention on the rights of children, which contain clause highlighting children right to participation. This empowers children on their right to be consulted, right to information, and challenge decision that is made on their behalf this is according to (Alderson Morrow, 2011; Morrow Richards, 1996). Nurses who are involved in a study as researchers should ensure that the children are protected from the risk of distress or humiliation, the best approach to this is by listening to children opinion on what worry them most. When children under the age of 15 are recruited into the study a written consent from the parent is a requirement according to Dickson et al. (2008). Conclusion health facilities and nursing training institution to promote intervention that enhance evidence based practice. High quality nursing care demands nurses understanding and practice of compassionate and empathy when providing nursing services to patients. At the same time it is necessary for the nurses to develop intervention mechanisms when handling patients with mental conditions. proper understanding of the conditions will enable nurses make a well-informed decision regarding treatment or referral of the cases. References Adamson, E., Dewar, B. (2011). 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