Monday, September 2, 2019

Decision 2000 :: Internet Communication Papers

Decision 2000 A community is constructed for people to interact with each other in a particular area. We usually refer to a community as the people who live in or surround our own neighborhoods. The idea of a community is for people to interact with one another about concerns, beliefs, and interests. Therefore a community does not have to be restricted to only neighborhoods, but can be available on the Internet as places for forum discussions, informative discussions, and chat rooms to interact about concerns, beliefs, and interests. Since a community is not restricted to a neighborhood, it can include any particular area of interest such as entertainment, education, professions, hobbies, and people. To explore a community on the Internet, people usually know where they want to go because they have a particular interest. Many people go to chat rooms where people interact as friends, love-relationships, or even sexual relations. When people go to chat rooms for sex, they refer it to as cyber sex. Chat rooms are somewhat impersonal because people usually never get to see the person at the other end of the computer, and people feel free to express themselves in any way they want. Some people are known to lie because they might want to live out some kind of fantasy and figure that they might not ever meet the person that they are interacting with. There have been situations where people have developed personal and sometimes emotional relationships where people have met each other. At times people confess their lies when they know they might meet the other person, or people find out about lies when they actually meet the person. Sometimes people exchange pictures and phone numbers whe n they meet a person in a chat room that they actually liked throughout their interaction. I had never chatted myself in a chat room until a couple months ago at the age of twenty-three. I have had little experience in chat rooms because I only interacted with different people for about three weeks and I stopped because I enjoyed it too much, but felt that it was taking up a lot of my time. The whole concept of chat rooms can become addicting. My experience in chat rooms have been in rooms labeled Friends, Twenties Friends, Latino Friends, and Lounging. Most of the people I interacted with were interested in finding out things about people that they had in common with such as hobbies and likes and dislikes.

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