Wednesday, September 11, 2019

In report format, prepare a Marketing Mix for the product or service Essay

In report format, prepare a Marketing Mix for the product or service on which you based assignment one. The Marketing Mix you de - Essay Example This research will be divided into sections each explaining how the case product has been placed for marketing. Product segmentation, targeting and position The term segmentation basically implies that there is grouping of potential buyers and customers in different categories (Masterson & Pickton, 2010; 88). By segmentation it will enable the Dell Company to actually place the potential buyers into different groups and therefore each group will perceive maximum value of the laptop differently from the others. In my segmentation of the Dell Laptop we can have for example three categories that will be the target market of the Dell products. The first group will be under homogeneity meaning that the particular segment the group will be having the same common needs when it comes to the Dell laptop. Under this group the Dell laptop that the group needs will be the basic ones with medium capacity hard disk, wide screen, long lasting battery and user friendly navigation on the laptop and o n top of all these features, the laptop will be relatively cheaper. The second group we can refer to them as the distinction group, under this group it can be made up of the higher end market of the consumers so that they are unique group of people as compared to the other members and potential buyers. Case in point will be the business fraternity and the upper class therefore for the Dell Company, the laptop in this range will be high end in terms of the needs for instance the business market would want a very fast laptop filled with more business features. With all these features the general outlook of the Dell laptop will have to be above par with the finishing being custom made in order to suit the potential consumer needs (Richter, 2012;44). The last group will be mainly be classified under the reaction group, this means that the target customers under this segment will consist of the buyers who have a similar response to a product in the market. The target will mostly consist of the youths who are mostly technologically savvy and would love to own the latest gadgets which include laptops and this is where the Dell laptop will come into focus as a gadget that the youths will fall in love with. Therefore the price will be worth the features that will be on the laptop (Mcdonald, 2007; 121). The main impact of all this will be to ensure that every potential buyer has been catered. Marketing mix and its relation to the target consumers can be summed up with the diagram below: Product Consideration With the Dell laptop, it is expected for the laptop to embrace all characteristics of service performance meant to create importance and value to the laptop itself and therefore enable it to sell to the potential buyers (Mcloughlin, & Aaker, 2010;67). It is expected by each design that the Dell laptop has will be a key factor to the key needs of the buyers. The technology in place of the Dell laptop will be expected to be of high end and furthermore very useful to t he consumers who will be using the product (Dibb, & Simkin, 1999; 78). The design should be made with the mindset that the significance of the Dell laptop will come from the usefulness it has to the potential buyers. Furthermore the Dell laptop will come with value added services and this will include warranties to ensure that the laptop can last the given time period and with the warranty the potential

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