Friday, September 27, 2019

Effective Behavior Support Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Effective Behavior Support - Assignment Example Materials from presentations available on certain websites have also been studied. In end of the article, a conclusion has been drawn to present crux of whole discussion. Research Methodology The data is taken from various research journals, books, and magazines. The publications mostly published after 2000 A.D have been studied for discussion and literature review. The author has tried to review most recent studies regarding effective behavior support. Literature Review Many scholars and researchers have written on the topic of effective behavior support. Effective academic instructions should emphasize on facilitating students success during tenure of their teaching in schools (Scott et al., 2002). This will support the students in obtaining better results and show responsible behavior towards their studies. Li (2000) has argued that students are affected by school environments as well as community outside the school premises. As students spend their life in different environments, they are influenced by different settings such as family, peer group, school etc. Within their family, children learn basic things of their life – things like eating, speaking, behaving with family members and outsiders. Christensen (2003) has found that a number of research studies indicate that the extent to which students feel connected to their school, feel connected to their home, feel connected to peer groups, is the extent to which their achievement is predicted to be successful. Social and economical conditions also affect the behavior of students and degree of participation in the school activities. Hourahan (2000) finds through his research studies that students belonging to working class in USA had more language problems than the students coming from wealthier families. Gao (2000) has also described the impact of social status on the intercultural communication regarding Chinese in Australian education institutions. In this backdrop, socio-economic status plays a significant part in determining the chances of success for the students. Why effective behavior support is needed? Effective behavior support (EBS) is adopted by different nations (Safran, 2006). It is a comprehensive approach that focuses on prevention of negative behavior through careful and systematic educational programs. This approach supports students all over the world to decrease negative and antisocial behavior (Sugai & Horner, 2006). This approach is applied not only to individual students but also to entire school setting. It has also received positive response from institutions across the world. The effective behavior support minimizes the problem behavior (Carr et al., 2002). It involves respectful, constructive, proactive, and educative behaviors that bring positive changes in society as well as in behavior of the individuals. Behavior management is highly dependent on the educational background and social set up. Scholars have noted a number of behavior problems in st udents. To get a crystal clear picture of this behavior, classroom and non-classroom settings have been studied. Researchers emphasize that behavior support plays vital role in success of students and has positive impact on the environment of the school. Effective behavior support demands for improvement in the school atmosphere that helps students achieve maximum results. Positive behavior support incorporates a number of strategies which aim at gaining significant social and learning outcomes. Approaches to behavior

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