Thursday, September 26, 2019

LEGAL SKILLS CASE ANALYSIS COURSEWORK Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

LEGAL SKILLS CASE ANALYSIS COURSEWORK - Essay Example 18 14 Question 19 15 Question 20 16 References 18 Question 1 The filed case of Manslaughter (Unlawful Act Resulting in Death) was conducted in a petrol filling station. The situation led to the death of the attendant of the petrol filling station, who was being robbed by three masked men. Among the three men, two robbers, who were carrying deadly weapons, threatened the 60 year old attendant, being completely unaware that he was a patient of heart disease. In order to defend himself, the 60 year old attendant had no other choice but to press the alarm button. The alarm did manage to make the masked robbers run away from the spot, but the shock later caused the death of the attendant after the police arrived due to heart attack. After 11 months, the three masked robbers confessed that they had attempted to rob the attendant. Correspondingly, the original trial took place on June 20, 1983 in the Crown Court of Newcastle-upon-Tyne (University of South Pacific, 2002). Question 2 The actu al trial began in the year 1983 at Crown Court at the Newcastle-upon-Tyne, where the trial judge was Glidewell J. (University of South Pacific, 2002). Question 3 In the original trial, Nolan was convicted for offences, which encompassed robbery, attempted robbery and manslaughter among the prime. Accordingly, it was learnt that Nolan was sentenced to a six year imprisonment for offence of robbery, seven years for attempted robbery and nine years custody for manslaughter. Also, his sentence versed that all these penalties would be executed congruent to each other. Thus, altogether, Nolan was sent to nine years of imprisonment (University of South Pacific, 2006). Question 4 In this case, there were three appellants and all of them were sent to imprisonment for more than one felony. The appellants included Brian Dawson, Stephen Thomas Nolan and Ian Walmsley. On the other hand, it has been observed that Dr. Hasan, who was the consultant doctor of Mr. Black, was aware of his patient†™s health condition. Moreover, on the day when the incident actually took place, Dr. Hasan, after a through check-up, affirmed that the heart condition of Mr. Black to be stable. Hence owing to these aspects, he was a prime individual in this case and can be considered as the main respondent in the court of appeal (University of South Pacific, 2006). Question 5 As per the instances of the event, on 20th of June1983, the court of Appeal handed down its final decision, wherein the three convicts were penalised according to their contribution in the crime. Dawson was penalized with 9? years of imprisonment; Nolan was sentenced to nine years of imprisonment; and Walmsley was sent to 7? years of imprisonment (University of South Pacific, 2002). Question 6 As per the case, it was identified that F. J. Muller, Q. C., Helen Paling and J. Evans acted as counsel for the appellants since he had all the evidences of the actual medical condition of Mr. Black, who died because of heart attack. Accordingly, Lord Justice

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