Wednesday, September 4, 2019

William Tyndale :: essays research papers

The smell over whelming in the air. The brunt flesh cast a shadow with the dark smoke that the fire created. Some people cheered, some people cried, and yet others smiled greedily under hidden cloaks. The people of England had decided to burn one man that stood up and translated the bible from the original manuscripts into what we have today. William Tyndale cried out with his last breath, " O Lord, open the King of England's eyes." The executioner first strangled Tyndale in order to keep him quiet about "his" word of God. William Tyndale has since become known as "The Father of the English Bible." Without Tyndale and his translation of the original manuscripts later versions of the English bible would not be available. William Hutchinson, later changed to Tyndale, was born around the date of 1494 AD. Tyndale had an exceptional gift of speaking over seven known languages. Tyndale attended Oxford University and in 1512 he received his Bachelors Degree. After another three years at Oxford University Tyndale graduated with a Masters Degree. In order to support his education William Tyndale tutored students from the higher class society. Tyndale joined the group called "the White Horse Society." This group gathered together in order to discuss the teachings of Erasmus and Luther. Then Tyndale was learned and well practiced in God's matters, spared not to show unto them simply and plainly his judgment, and when they at any time did vary from Tyndale in opinions, he would show them in the Book, and lay plainly before them the open and manifest places of the Scriptures, to confute their errors, and confirm his sayings. And thus continued they for a certain season, reasoning and contending together divers times, until at length they waxed weary, and bare a secret grudge in their hearts against him. As this grew on, the priests of the country, clustering together, began to grudge and storm against Tyndale, railing against him in alehouses and other places, affirming that his sayings were heresy; and accused him secretly to the chancellor, and others of the bishop's officers. After a few short years Tyndale left "the White Horse Society" and moved back home to teach children. Tyndale preached at Saint Austen's Green which resided in front of the Cathedral of Bristol. During Tyndale's stay at home he caused a commotion that consisted charging him with heresy. All of this was due to the teachings of the "Lollardry.

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